Register for JA Inspire
W H A T I S J A I N S P I R E ?
JA Inspire - Students Discovering Career Pathways
An event that engages young people in hands-on, experiential exhibits with local companies, exposing them to career opportunities available, creating connections, and helping to inspire them toward a pathway for future success.
JA Inspire is designed to launch students into their futures: high school, post-secondary education / training, and careers beyond.
JA Inspire is FREE for schools!
Thousands of Juniors, Seniors & Recent Grads will participate from school districts across Northwest Ohio
Formally integrated into the school curriculum
Interactive showcase of careers from our region focused on high-wage and high-demand industries
Exhibitor booths will allow industry representatives to share career advice and engage students with experiential activities
Advanced Manufacturing & Logistics
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture, Engineering & Construction
Business & Finance
Government, Law & Public Service
Health & Life Science
Hospitality, Tourism & Arts
S T U D E N T O U T C O M E S :
Recognize career clusters and potential job positions
Understand the importance of researching the requirements needed to earn a position
Communicate and interact with industry professionals
For 12th graders, potentially interview for internships and jobs that are presently available and compete in an HR challenge with job-hunting skills learned through the required curriculum